Sunday, August 30, 2015

My "Almost Obsession" with Reading

Usually when someone talks about an obsession, they are referring to a negative thing.  There are many obsessions that can cause harm or at the very least destructiveness to occur in someone's life.  They say that obsessive personalities are more susceptible to be passed on from one generation to the next in your family. 

Knowing this, and that we have a family history of this type of behavior, I have always been sensitive to my behaviors when I start to notice patterns.  It's rather interesting actually.  It isn't just that I want to watch a certain TV show, but I HAVE to watch it and this other one, and the other one and I CAN'T miss it or my attitude, etc is actually changed.  It isn't just that I read for a little bit every day, but I read so much that I don't go to sleep for several days in a row.

Since this is something that I have struggled with in the past, I try hard to watch for when I start to trip up.  I actually have to make myself quit whatever the activity is that I have started to become obsessive with altogether for a while, before I can begin to reintroduce it.  If I don't, it actually begins to impact my life. 

That being said, I don't believe that the best option is to completely cutout these activities from my life.  Although, I do honestly have several friends who have left the TV behind altogether.  I sometimes do consider this, but then someone is sick and man it's nice to be able to watch a couple movies with the kids. 

Reading specifically is one that I have trouble with on and off.  I would call it an almost obsession pretty consistently! It's hard for me to understand those who don't just absolutely love reading, simply because I adore reading so much.  Reading takes me to a different place.  I have found most often that when I am extra stressed or overwhelmed by something, I tend to turn to reading. 

Have you ever picked up a book, whether it's fiction or non-fiction, and just become completely lost in the story.  It's like being transported to that time, to that place and that story.  It moves you from one world to another.  You become a different character as you live through their eyes the story that is occurring.  It takes your mind actively off of anything else that might be going on. 

Most recently, my almost obsession with reading has been hanging out in the paranormal young adult books.  I am so excited about some of them and I want to tell someone.  So, I decided that I might take a stab at writing some book reviews on here, since I read so many!!  Let's see where this goes! :)

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