Friday, May 11, 2012

Cupcake Experiments 1

Recently, I have found myself REALLY enjoying baking!  If anyone is following me on Pinterest, you will see that I have mostly food and it is probably split halfway between desserts and other types of food.  Ok, yes, you caught me… I have a MAJOR sweet tooth!

So, I have basically been finding excuses to bake and NOT keep it all at the house!  Several weeks ago one of my co-workers had a birthday and I decided that I would bring something in to celebrate.  This is when I had to decide what to make.  I had previously experimented making a couple of cakes for Noah's birthdays.  I think I did pretty well! :-)

(Noah's first birthday cake, made with love by Mommy.)

(Noah's second birthday cake, made with love by Mommy.)

These were very complicated and time consuming.  I wanted to do something smaller and perhaps easier.  I chose cupcakes.  They are so much easier to serve to a bunch of people.  So, I went to the store and got some yellow cake mix, some marshmallow crème and some chocolate buttercream frosting. 

After they cupcakes had cooled, I cut out a whole from the center and filled them with the marshmallow.  Then, I used a decorating bag and tip to frost them.  This was the end result!

I think they turned out really well, what do you think?  The people at work loved them and thought they looked great too.  :-)

So, I am trying to take some polls, what is you favorite cupcake flavor/type ?  And what is your LEAST favorite thing about cupcakes?

1 comment:

  1. Last time I answered this question about cookies, I got a lot! I personally like that they aren't crazy sweet. Just the right amount. I don't care for most cake icing because there is so much and it is so sweet. Cupcakes are just the right size. However, I'm not wild about buttercream.

