Thursday, May 10, 2012

Slowly… Getting Started

As promised, this is my first update about my training.  I have to admit, it has not gone as well as I had hoped.  The first week, I actually exercised for at least 30 minutes 3 days.  It started out well! 

Week two got a little busier and it got a little harder to stay motivated.  I still exercised, but only twice. 

And then... week three… yeah, I completely skipped this week altogether.  This past Sunday (the end of week three) my pastor had a sermon in which he spoke about how you have to plan out your decisions ahead of time.  In the heat of the moment, (after dinner when you are finished putting the kids to bed and sitting on the couch for a few minutes sound WONDERFUL), you will not often make the right decision.  You have decide what you are going to do ahead of time.  It is so odd how God uses different things at different times to whisper directly to your soul! 

That Sunday at the end of the day, Matt and I talked about what our exercise schedule was going to be.  We decided instead of him trying to workout in the morning before the kids wake up and me at night after they go to bed (so one of us was always available just in case) that we were going to work out together right after the kids went down for the night. 

So far, it has worked REALLY well.  We have worked out three days this week and are actually motivated to keep going!  We decided to do a circuit training program called Insanity.  It has definitely been difficult, but we have both remained motivated.  I think there are two big reasons for this.  First, we are working out together, motivating each other.  Second, we decided what was going to happen ahead of time. 

The hardest thing for me has been to overcome my depression over my body image as I have begun to workout.  Doing exercise gets things that you don't want to move, moving.  My biggest issue what I lovingly call my second tongue.  Many of you mother's out there know exactly what I am talking about.  Yes, I am obviously being over dramatic (a lovely characteristic of mine), but you get the gist. 

This has been a hindrance AND a motivation.  A motivation because I want to GET RID OF IT!!!  A hindrance because my belly LITERALLY gets in my way as I try to exercise.  I cannot even do some of the yoga/stretching portions correctly. 

I WILL continue to exercise, and not JUST to meet my goal of running a marathon.  I need to get healthy for my kids and husband.  I want to be able to continue to do things with them and grow as old as I can. 

I decided to use this blog as a way to help keep me accountable, therefore, I am going to post my current weight and measurements and then update them as I continue to exercise. 

I am excited about this adventure, share your adventures: frustrations and stories of encouragement with me!  We can help keep each other motivated!

Day 3 of Insanity Workout

  • Weight: 206.2 lbs
  • Body Fat: 42%
  • Natural Waist: 39 inches
  • Waist at Belly Button: 44.5 inches
  • Hips: 46 inches

Feel free to share your stats and updates with me too!

1 comment:

  1. I watched a few minutes of Insanity the other day and debated between it and P90X. I just don't have the money for them. Plus I worry my knees won't let me do half of it until I get lighter anyway. You are WAY too brave posting your measurements. After I get cleared by Dr. Yang today I think I might secretively take my measurements and lock them in the safe. If you pass me up too quickly, I might have to start baking you some of those things I keep seeing you post on Pinterest.

