Friday, April 20, 2012


Merriam Webster's Dictionary literally defines  significance as "the quality of being important".  Society puts so much weight on this.  What am I here for?  What does my life mean?  Have I made a difference?

This past week the pastor at our church was speaking on the topic of 'Our Greatest Fears'.  One of the fears that he discussed was significance.  He said he was speaking to those over 40 in the room, but I have to say, the message hit home with me too. 

Now that I have children, I have thought about this more and more.  Am I doing things correctly?  Will they remember this?  Am I leaving a legacy behind that my children will be proud of?  Or… am I sitting on my butt watching TV 10 hours a day. 

I would have to say that I am closer to the last of those options.  Yes, I could make many excuses.  I work full-time, have a house to take care of, have two young children, run a part-time business on the side… but excuses don't mean anything in the long run. 

I want to make an impact on my children.  I want them to see me leading by example.  I want them to be proud of me.  I want to make a difference in their lives! 

I know, I know, I am their mother… I am sure that most of you are thinking, 'You have already made a difference'.  I mean that I want to make a difference that will influence them for the good and forever. 

No person or endeavor will be able to give me significance.  This world offers success.  That is something that can be achieved with hard work through society's eyes.  I cannot find or achieve significance on my own.  If I want what I do to influence my children to be more like Christ, than I have to find it through Christ alone. 

Psalm 37:4-6 says, "Take delight in the LORD,  and he will give you the desires of your heart.  Commit your way to the LORD;  trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun.  (NIV)

Pastor Scott was discussing how the word 'delight' means to be soft and pliable and the word 'commit' means to roll up like a ball.  So, in my words, this passage says, "Make yourself pliable to the Lord's will, then His desires will become yours and the desires of your heart will be granted.  Roll your ways up and give them over to the Lord and he will reward you greatly." 

My Significance = Following Christ with all my heart and therefore leading my children toward Him.  My daily prayer is that my children will see  my love for God and find themselves in Him. 

What are you here for?

1 comment:

  1. Super cute picture!

    I've been battling with that question for years now: "what am I here for?". Still don't know the answer. I am jealous of those who seem to just know their calling and are so fulfilled doing it everyday. It has gotten worse since I have kids too. At least in my experience, daughters seem to have a special bond with their mom and dad. Most mother / son relationships I see just don't seem like enough to me and I'm usually nothing like that mother so I have no idea if my boys will be proud of a combat boot wearing mom or not and it scares me. I feel you, sister!
