Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Surprise! :)

My brother is currently deployed, but we had the privilege of him being home for his R&R recently.  His actual date and time of arrival were a surprise for everyone but my dad. 

Noah (my 2.5 year old son) was at my parent's house overnight on Thursday night.  My dad will sometimes take Noah out for lunch when he stays the night. 

So, needless to say, when I arrived to pick the kids up and my dad was out to lunch with Noah, I was not overly surprised. 

As the time passed and it got later and then closer to Noah's naptime, I started to question why he was still gone.  In the back of my mind, I new my brother was coming home soon and wondered if that might be where he was at. 

Finally, they got home and my brother walked through the door after Noah and my dad.  Surprise!  :)

Apparently, Noah was very surprised!  While my brother has been gone, the kids have been talking to him on Skype regularly.   So, they see him often, but on the computer.

When my dad and Noah saw my brother at the airport, Noah got really excited!  Then my brother squatted down to give Noah and hug and say hi.  Noah kind of stopped and studied him. 

Ever so gently, Noah placed his hands on either side of my brothers face.  He petted it, and pinched it a little.  Kind of like he was trying to determine if it was real. 

After several moments of study, he decided that he was in fact real, and NOT a computer!  :)  Then he got excited again and hugged him!

How funny kids can be.  I wish I had been there to see his reaction to seeing my brother in person for the first time in months.  How sweet!


  1. Awesome! Enjoy your time with him!

    1. Thanks John! We did, it was a great visit. Can't wait until he is home again!! :)
