Friday, April 13, 2012

I am just going to say it...

Ok, listen… if you keep asking, I am just going to say it.  I am PREGNANT! 

(Picture taken from

Hahaha, no really, I am NOT.  However, I HAVE had about six different people ask me in the last two weeks if I am. 

I was at one location this week, having a conversation with an acquaintance.   We were talking about my daughter, Jordyn, and her upcoming first birthday.  Discussing how quickly the time had gone by. 

Within a few minutes of the conversation, out of nowhere she asked… suddenly in a whisper… "So, are you pregnant again?"

I was actually taken aback.  First, thoughts that went through my mind:
  1. What does that mean? 
  1. Do I LOOK pregnant?
  1. Why in the world would she think this?

I said, NO!  As gracefully and unshaken as I could sound.  Since this was not the first time someone had asked me this, I decided to ask a few questions… So, I asked, "Why would you think that?"  (Come on, this is starting to take a hit on my self confidence.)

The response she gave me was, "Well, it's about time isn't it?"

I am thinking, it's about time for what?  Apparently, my face said what I was thinking because she responded, "… you know, for you guys to get going again."

Time to get going again?  Why would someone ask me that?  Just because we had two children within two years does not mean that we are going to continue on that path. 

So, I told her, as graciously as I could.  "No, I am not pregnant and we are not currently planning on trying to GET pregnant anytime soon."  She looked almost disappointed, how funny. 

It is very interesting to me how people assume that everyone follows a 'trend' with having children.  If you start having kids this way, you will continue until you can't have any more!  LOL. 

Well, this is not the case for us.  We have one boy and one girl.  They are pretty close in age and the delivery for Jordyn was difficult. 

We haven't decided NOT to have any more children, I am not ready to write myself off yet.  But we also are not PLANNING on having any more at the moment. 

Until then, I think it's time to start hitting the gym harder!!