Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ready, set, go... or get started at least!

One of the many things I have always wanted to do is run a marathon.  I know, a difficult goal, but still . 

That being said, I am currently probably in the worst shape of my life.  My plan is to run a marathon in 2014. 

The hardest part right now is trying to figure out how to schedule time to workout without taking time away from the family.  Right now, we are getting up sometime between 5:00 AM and 6:00 AM and the kids go down by 8:00 PM.  So, I am having to schedule around that. 

I am going to be starting a regular workout schedule this week for the first time since my daughter was born almost a year ago.   Being that I am not currently an early morning person, I will be working out after 8:00 PM for now. 

The goal is to start with approximately 30 minutes of cardio 4-5 days a week.  Eventually I will be working up to 60 minutes a day for 5-6 days a week. 

Once I have gotten back to a 'starting' place, I will begin a marathon training plan. 

This is definitely going to be an adventure.  I plan to keep updates about my progress… or set backs.  Here we go!  Keep me accountable!!


  1. I've been thinking about this too. Maybe by next year we can team up to practice.


  2. Hi Tess,

    That would be great! It's always good to have people to keep you motivated and accountable!


  3. You can do it, April! Step by step, that's all it takes :)

  4. Thanks Cassandra! I am excited to try!! :)
