Sunday, August 30, 2015

My "Almost Obsession" with Reading

Usually when someone talks about an obsession, they are referring to a negative thing.  There are many obsessions that can cause harm or at the very least destructiveness to occur in someone's life.  They say that obsessive personalities are more susceptible to be passed on from one generation to the next in your family. 

Knowing this, and that we have a family history of this type of behavior, I have always been sensitive to my behaviors when I start to notice patterns.  It's rather interesting actually.  It isn't just that I want to watch a certain TV show, but I HAVE to watch it and this other one, and the other one and I CAN'T miss it or my attitude, etc is actually changed.  It isn't just that I read for a little bit every day, but I read so much that I don't go to sleep for several days in a row.

Since this is something that I have struggled with in the past, I try hard to watch for when I start to trip up.  I actually have to make myself quit whatever the activity is that I have started to become obsessive with altogether for a while, before I can begin to reintroduce it.  If I don't, it actually begins to impact my life. 

That being said, I don't believe that the best option is to completely cutout these activities from my life.  Although, I do honestly have several friends who have left the TV behind altogether.  I sometimes do consider this, but then someone is sick and man it's nice to be able to watch a couple movies with the kids. 

Reading specifically is one that I have trouble with on and off.  I would call it an almost obsession pretty consistently! It's hard for me to understand those who don't just absolutely love reading, simply because I adore reading so much.  Reading takes me to a different place.  I have found most often that when I am extra stressed or overwhelmed by something, I tend to turn to reading. 

Have you ever picked up a book, whether it's fiction or non-fiction, and just become completely lost in the story.  It's like being transported to that time, to that place and that story.  It moves you from one world to another.  You become a different character as you live through their eyes the story that is occurring.  It takes your mind actively off of anything else that might be going on. 

Most recently, my almost obsession with reading has been hanging out in the paranormal young adult books.  I am so excited about some of them and I want to tell someone.  So, I decided that I might take a stab at writing some book reviews on here, since I read so many!!  Let's see where this goes! :)

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Birthday Parties, Trampolines and Broken Things

Now that the kids are a little older, we have started receiving invitations to birthday parties pretty regularly.  We typically accept if we do not already have plans, they are always fun for the kids and they get to see their friends outside of regular settings.  Seems good to us, right? :)

Recently, we were invited to a birthday party at a trampoline park.  The kids were super excited.  Noah, being a 6 year old boy especially.  But even Jordyn, the girl who sits in the 25th percentile and is only 4. 

We got there just a little early and went in to start jumping after we had talked with the birthday girl a bit. Matt went in with Jordyn and I watched Noah to make sure they stayed safe.  We noticed that there was no real separation of ages, so older kids were jumping with younger and this made us a little nervous.  After a little while of watching Noah, I suddenly heard Jordyn screaming, and I turned around and found her in Matt's arms just sobbing. 

Of course, Momma bear instincts kicked in and I wanted to hold her immediately.  We sat down on the ground against a wall and I just spoke words of comfort to her.  After a little while, she just wanted to go out of all the noise, so we went out to the room where the actual 'party' was going to be after jumping. 

She continued to have a hard time for about 30 minutes and finally just said, "Momma, I just want to go home."  Now, let me say, Jordyn is not the type to miss out on any sort of social interaction of ANY KIND.  So, for her to say this, made me worried. 

As soon as we got in the car, she was out, and when I say out, I mean snoring! LOL.  It was absolutely adorable.  We got home and she had stopped crying, but she stayed snuggly.  We gave her ibuprofen and iced the leg.  But, she refused to stand/walk on it that day or the following.  It was not swollen or bruised, so we assumed it was a pulled muscle or ligament.

On Monday, we went to school.  All of my mom friends had been saying to wait for Tuesday to go to the doctor.  One of the mom's at school suggested that if she didn't want to walk on it at all, we might want to go ahead and take her.  After school, I just felt like we should go to the doctor. 

When we got there, of course we ended up with a male doctor.  Jordyn is SUCH a flirt!  She was hamming it up big time, batting her eyelashes, smiling, giggling.  As he checked her leg, he asked a bunch of questions, and she kept up with the flirting.  He finally asked her to stand, and she tried for him, really tried, but wouldn't.  She said that it hurt much too badly.

He ordered an X-ray and she went down to have it.  Shortly after, he came walking in and said, "I am certainly surprised to be saying this, but, she has a fractured femur."  Matt and I looked at each other and were like… whaaaaaaa 

(Universal's Minions)

How is it possible that has no swelling, no bruising, and is in a good mood and has a fracture!?!  He was confused as well.  Needless to say, we ended up getting a cast… a full leg cast.  Of course it was PINK.  When I say pink, I mean HOT PINK.  This girl, LOVES her pink. 

I can't believe how strong and brave my little 4 year old girl is.  She was so calm and peaceful, and yet had a fracture in her leg.  The only thing she wouldn't do was walk on it.  She was still in a good mood and smiled and participated at school, and the whole time, she had a fractured bone. 

I think there is something here that I can learn from this little girl about living a life of joy and tranquility.  Even though we all have pains that we suffer daily, there is something bigger than us that can give us joy and help us find our Touch of Tranquility.  

Friday, May 11, 2012

Cupcake Experiments 1

Recently, I have found myself REALLY enjoying baking!  If anyone is following me on Pinterest, you will see that I have mostly food and it is probably split halfway between desserts and other types of food.  Ok, yes, you caught me… I have a MAJOR sweet tooth!

So, I have basically been finding excuses to bake and NOT keep it all at the house!  Several weeks ago one of my co-workers had a birthday and I decided that I would bring something in to celebrate.  This is when I had to decide what to make.  I had previously experimented making a couple of cakes for Noah's birthdays.  I think I did pretty well! :-)

(Noah's first birthday cake, made with love by Mommy.)

(Noah's second birthday cake, made with love by Mommy.)

These were very complicated and time consuming.  I wanted to do something smaller and perhaps easier.  I chose cupcakes.  They are so much easier to serve to a bunch of people.  So, I went to the store and got some yellow cake mix, some marshmallow crème and some chocolate buttercream frosting. 

After they cupcakes had cooled, I cut out a whole from the center and filled them with the marshmallow.  Then, I used a decorating bag and tip to frost them.  This was the end result!

I think they turned out really well, what do you think?  The people at work loved them and thought they looked great too.  :-)

So, I am trying to take some polls, what is you favorite cupcake flavor/type ?  And what is your LEAST favorite thing about cupcakes?

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Slowly… Getting Started

As promised, this is my first update about my training.  I have to admit, it has not gone as well as I had hoped.  The first week, I actually exercised for at least 30 minutes 3 days.  It started out well! 

Week two got a little busier and it got a little harder to stay motivated.  I still exercised, but only twice. 

And then... week three… yeah, I completely skipped this week altogether.  This past Sunday (the end of week three) my pastor had a sermon in which he spoke about how you have to plan out your decisions ahead of time.  In the heat of the moment, (after dinner when you are finished putting the kids to bed and sitting on the couch for a few minutes sound WONDERFUL), you will not often make the right decision.  You have decide what you are going to do ahead of time.  It is so odd how God uses different things at different times to whisper directly to your soul! 

That Sunday at the end of the day, Matt and I talked about what our exercise schedule was going to be.  We decided instead of him trying to workout in the morning before the kids wake up and me at night after they go to bed (so one of us was always available just in case) that we were going to work out together right after the kids went down for the night. 

So far, it has worked REALLY well.  We have worked out three days this week and are actually motivated to keep going!  We decided to do a circuit training program called Insanity.  It has definitely been difficult, but we have both remained motivated.  I think there are two big reasons for this.  First, we are working out together, motivating each other.  Second, we decided what was going to happen ahead of time. 

The hardest thing for me has been to overcome my depression over my body image as I have begun to workout.  Doing exercise gets things that you don't want to move, moving.  My biggest issue what I lovingly call my second tongue.  Many of you mother's out there know exactly what I am talking about.  Yes, I am obviously being over dramatic (a lovely characteristic of mine), but you get the gist. 

This has been a hindrance AND a motivation.  A motivation because I want to GET RID OF IT!!!  A hindrance because my belly LITERALLY gets in my way as I try to exercise.  I cannot even do some of the yoga/stretching portions correctly. 

I WILL continue to exercise, and not JUST to meet my goal of running a marathon.  I need to get healthy for my kids and husband.  I want to be able to continue to do things with them and grow as old as I can. 

I decided to use this blog as a way to help keep me accountable, therefore, I am going to post my current weight and measurements and then update them as I continue to exercise. 

I am excited about this adventure, share your adventures: frustrations and stories of encouragement with me!  We can help keep each other motivated!

Day 3 of Insanity Workout

  • Weight: 206.2 lbs
  • Body Fat: 42%
  • Natural Waist: 39 inches
  • Waist at Belly Button: 44.5 inches
  • Hips: 46 inches

Feel free to share your stats and updates with me too!

Friday, April 20, 2012


Merriam Webster's Dictionary literally defines  significance as "the quality of being important".  Society puts so much weight on this.  What am I here for?  What does my life mean?  Have I made a difference?

This past week the pastor at our church was speaking on the topic of 'Our Greatest Fears'.  One of the fears that he discussed was significance.  He said he was speaking to those over 40 in the room, but I have to say, the message hit home with me too. 

Now that I have children, I have thought about this more and more.  Am I doing things correctly?  Will they remember this?  Am I leaving a legacy behind that my children will be proud of?  Or… am I sitting on my butt watching TV 10 hours a day. 

I would have to say that I am closer to the last of those options.  Yes, I could make many excuses.  I work full-time, have a house to take care of, have two young children, run a part-time business on the side… but excuses don't mean anything in the long run. 

I want to make an impact on my children.  I want them to see me leading by example.  I want them to be proud of me.  I want to make a difference in their lives! 

I know, I know, I am their mother… I am sure that most of you are thinking, 'You have already made a difference'.  I mean that I want to make a difference that will influence them for the good and forever. 

No person or endeavor will be able to give me significance.  This world offers success.  That is something that can be achieved with hard work through society's eyes.  I cannot find or achieve significance on my own.  If I want what I do to influence my children to be more like Christ, than I have to find it through Christ alone. 

Psalm 37:4-6 says, "Take delight in the LORD,  and he will give you the desires of your heart.  Commit your way to the LORD;  trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun.  (NIV)

Pastor Scott was discussing how the word 'delight' means to be soft and pliable and the word 'commit' means to roll up like a ball.  So, in my words, this passage says, "Make yourself pliable to the Lord's will, then His desires will become yours and the desires of your heart will be granted.  Roll your ways up and give them over to the Lord and he will reward you greatly." 

My Significance = Following Christ with all my heart and therefore leading my children toward Him.  My daily prayer is that my children will see  my love for God and find themselves in Him. 

What are you here for?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Surprise! :)

My brother is currently deployed, but we had the privilege of him being home for his R&R recently.  His actual date and time of arrival were a surprise for everyone but my dad. 

Noah (my 2.5 year old son) was at my parent's house overnight on Thursday night.  My dad will sometimes take Noah out for lunch when he stays the night. 

So, needless to say, when I arrived to pick the kids up and my dad was out to lunch with Noah, I was not overly surprised. 

As the time passed and it got later and then closer to Noah's naptime, I started to question why he was still gone.  In the back of my mind, I new my brother was coming home soon and wondered if that might be where he was at. 

Finally, they got home and my brother walked through the door after Noah and my dad.  Surprise!  :)

Apparently, Noah was very surprised!  While my brother has been gone, the kids have been talking to him on Skype regularly.   So, they see him often, but on the computer.

When my dad and Noah saw my brother at the airport, Noah got really excited!  Then my brother squatted down to give Noah and hug and say hi.  Noah kind of stopped and studied him. 

Ever so gently, Noah placed his hands on either side of my brothers face.  He petted it, and pinched it a little.  Kind of like he was trying to determine if it was real. 

After several moments of study, he decided that he was in fact real, and NOT a computer!  :)  Then he got excited again and hugged him!

How funny kids can be.  I wish I had been there to see his reaction to seeing my brother in person for the first time in months.  How sweet!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Is there a 'Kidtuition'?

My husband is in the Military and was deployed when my son was very young.  My son was born in August, and Matt left when Noah was just 3.5 months old.  (On my birthday I might add.)

We had decided to wait to have more children until Noah was older.  For several reasons, one being that Matt was missing most of Noah's first year and would need time to reintegrate.  Another being that we didn't want children too close together.

Well, if you have read any of my previous posts, you know that this did not work out!  God's plans are always better than ours though!

Matt ended up returning days before Noah's first birthday and apparently within a couple of weeks we were pregnant again. 

Being that Noah was so young, we were not sure how to explain the whole pregnancy or the baby that would eventually be coming home.  We talked often about baby sissy (once we found out it was girl) and how Noah was going to have a sister soon. 

He would smile and laugh and pat my belly.  Of course, we had no idea if it was actually clicking. 

Well, the day came and Jordyn was born.  Noah was staying with my dad during the labor and delivery process.  He came to the hospital shortly after Jordyn had been born. 

Now, this is what blows me away.  He walked into the hospital room and saw Jordyn, walked up to her and said 'Sissy'.  He KNEW immediately. 

How?  I still don't understand.   He was just over 1.5 years old when Jordyn was born.  But he knew, from the first moment that she was his family!  Is this an intuition that he had... 'Kidtuition'?  What do you think?  Has anyone else experienced this?