Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Blame Game

No, I am not talking about blaming someone else for something.  I am one of those people who blame themselves for everything!  Does anyone else do this?

Let's go back... a couple of weeks ago, my parents watched our kids so my husband and I could have a 'Date night... or not' (which I posted about here).  It was great that they took them for us though, so sweet.  I went over the next morning to pick them up.  I got there just before lunch (which we were supposed to eat there).  My parents have stairs at there house and we do not, so my kids love to look at them and go up a couple.  My daughter has not started walking yet, but she is climbing up on the first step.  I hadn't seen this yet, so we were all sitting near the stairs in the hall way.  My son was running around what we call the 'circle'.  This is when he runs from the dining room, to the kitchen, to the hallway, to the dining room, etc.  Every time he came by he wanted me to 'get' him.  So, I would tickle him and he would continue running by.  This continued on for a while until he got tripped up while I was tickling him on one of the passes and fell into the wall.  He started crying really hard, and holding his head.  I grabbed him and held him for a few minutes to try to assess what was going on.  It seemed that he just hit his head pretty hard.....

But then... he pulled his hand forward and there was blood on it.  This is when I had a mini-panic attack.  "Where do I take him?  Do we go to the ER or the Children's Hospital?  Is he really bleeding bad enough that it's dripping down my arm?  Ok, remember the head is really vascular and bleeds a lot?"

First words... "Ok, he is bleeding pretty badly, I need something to put pressure on his head.  Then I will take a look and see if we need to go to the ER."

Yes, we had to go to the ER.  Surprisingly we didn't have to wait very long and they were in the room with us within a few minutes.  The doctor came in the room shortly after we were in there and quickly assessed the situation.  He said that my son needed a couple of staples.  He came back in again and cleaned the cut and got both staples in before my son even started crying.  Then he told the doctor "bye buddy".

... This is where my freak out picked up again... it was my fault that my son had fallen, and therefore cracked his head open, and therefore needed staples... Ok, yes rationally, I know this is ridiculous, but how do you STOP this train of thought?

My son is doing fine though, the staples came out the next weekend and he has a cool little scar that will be a story to tell one day! :)

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