Monday, March 12, 2012

Cuddle Time

I have to say, the past couple of weeks have been very difficult on our family.  We have all been sick, but the kids seem to have caught the brunt end of everything.  There have been some very hard days, where I have considered walking out of the house for a few minutes just to get a minute of peace!  Is it as hard for anyone else?  I mean, I know that the kids are sick and on one hand I feel so compassionate toward them.  I just want to snuggle them and make them feel better in any way that I can.  However, when they are whiny and crying for unknown reasons and it seems like nothing I can do helps... I want to give up.  It is so hard to keep my head on straight and not get frustrated or angry.  I have honestly lost my temper several different days.

On the other hand though, when they feel bad it seems like they want Mommy.  They want to climb up in my lap and just sit.  For me to cuddle with them and love on them.  You know, when that happens, the opposite effect occurs as well.... they cuddle me and love on me.  Wow, how quickly that makes up for all the frustration I have felt through the day.

Yes, the past couple of weeks have been REALLY hard... but man have I LOVED the cuddle time.  My Touch of Tranquility in the insanity.

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