Sunday, March 4, 2012

Lack of Sleep...

This past week has been an interesting week.  My 9 month old daughter woke up around midnight on Monday morning screaming.  We got her and fed her, she felt warm, but was back asleep before she was finished eating. So, I laid her down, and went back to bed.  Within about 15 minutes she woke up again screaming.  This time, I decided to take her temperature before we did anything else.  It was 103.1.  Let's just say, I began to panic a little.  I gave her some Tylenol before we put her back down.  The rest of the night she was up about every 30 minutes.

In the morning, I got on our Pediatrician's website to try to find their instructions for a temperature that was hanging out around 103.  They suggested to call if the temperature lasted for more than 24 hours.  So, I waited until Tuesday morning and when it was still so high, I called when they opened.  We got an appointment and went in.  Found out that she had a double ear infection.  Poor baby.  She also had a soar throat.  They prescribed Amoxicillin. (Side note - I had a major reaction to Amoxicillin when I was younger and had to be rushed to the hospital.)  Apparently, allergies CAN run in families, but not always.  So, needless to say, I was monitoring her very closely.  She seemed to be doing well, started acting more normal.

On Friday morning, she suddenly broke out in a rash.  I called the doctor again and ended up going in to get it checked out.  After all of that, it turns out she had Roseola.

Here is what the Roseola rash looked like:

And here is what hives look like in reaction to Amoxicillin:

As you can see, they are similar.

A few things I did not know about Roseola.

  1. One of the most common symptoms of Roseola is ear infection.
  2. It is contagious not just until the fever goes away, but until the rash goes away.
  3. Children are most susceptible, but adults can get Roseola too.
  4. If someone has already had Roseola, they can still get it again (although it is much less likely).  
This week, I have been rather challenged to find my touch of peace every day.  Today, my baby girl laughed again for the first time since she started feeling sick.  That precious giggle made the whole week worth it... my Touch of Tranquility... 

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