Monday, March 12, 2012

Internal Argument

Does anyone else have this problem?  You lay down at night to go to sleep, you have just gotten comfortable and are starting to drift off.... suddenly, you realize you forgot to... brush your teeth or write something down on the grocery list (that you probably won't remember in the morning), etc.  Then, no matter how close you are to sleep or how much you try to ignore yourself (yes, I just said ignore yourself!), you end up waking up more and more and you can't go to sleep until you take care of whatever it was.  I HATE when this happens.  I don't have a terrible time falling asleep most of the time.  However, when something like this happens, I have a war with myself.

Just get up and do it!

NO!  You don't HAVE to do it tonight, you are almost asleep.

But if you don't get up, you will forget about it.

No, you won't, just keep repeating it.  Juice for the kids, juice for the kids.

You have a notepad on your nightstand and a pen somewhere.

But you can't turn the light on, you might wake your hubby up.

Just use your phone light, it's not that bright, he will probably sleep through it.

What if he wakes up, then you will feel bad.

Seriously, you are just going to drive yourself crazy until you just get up and do it.


I have finally learned, for my slightly OCD self at least, that I might as well get up and do whatever it is as soon as I think about it.  I am going to end up doing it anyway and the longer I wait, the longer it will be until I get to finally go to sleep.

Hopefully, I am not the only crazy chick who does this.  :-)

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