Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Playing in the Change

Right now, I am sitting beside my 2.5 year old son, on my bed.  I am working from home today, but my mom comes over to help with the kids during working hours.  My kids both go down for a nap around 1 and usually sleep for at least a couple of hours.  Today, since my son is sick and his ears hurt and his nose is stuff, he woke up early.  He also wanted mommy as soon as he worked up.  So sweet, but I was supposed to be working.  He was being very noisy in the living room though and being that our house is a little small, I did not want him to wake his sister up, so I let him come into the room with mommy.  He saw some change on Daddy's night stand and decided he just HAD to put it in his little piggy bank.  I went to his room sneaky as can be and grabbed the  piggy bank, brought it back into our room and the fun ensued.

Apparently, moving the change back and forth between the piggy bank and the basket was of enough amusement to keep him busy for over an hour!!

What a wonderful Touch of Tranquility!!  

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