Monday, March 26, 2012


So, today was an absolutely gorgeous day!  I decided to take the kids and get out of the house for a little while.  First, my son and I played outside for a good hour or so.  After my daughter woke up from her nap, we took a little road trip down to the local 'super' store.  I like to make things as easy on myself as possible.  So, I put my daughter in a sling and my son in the cart.  This way, I didn't have to worry about carrying anyone, or not having my hands free.  It was GREAT!  We returned a few things, we shopped for a while, I got a few things I shouldn't have! :)  All through the store people were commenting about how cool the sling was and how cute my kids were.  (I always assume this is what they say to everyone, but I sure think my kids are pretty darned cute!)

At the end of the 'trip' I decided that I wanted to get my son's hair trimmed.  We went over to the salon portion of the store.  I asked how long the wait was, and they said they could get him in right away.  I was excited.  He got down out of the cart and was sitting on the chair.  The stylist went to go get the 'cape' and my son decided he was done.  He started crying and was acting scared.  I finally had to pick him up.  So, picture this:  I had my 10 month old daughter on one hip in a sling and my 2.5 year old son on my other hip crying.  As I am trying to comfort him and decide if he is too tired to try this right now, one of the other stylists says, "I remember that, when I had one and each hip and one in the belly.  I would NOT go back to that."  Did you SERIOUSLY just tell me that I look pregnant.  REALLY?!?  At this moment, when I am slightly stressed, holding two children... really?  Have you ever had anyone do that to you?  You know, comedians make jokes out of this, but it really can do a number on you.  I thought I was starting to get back into shape and I thought I was looking pretty good today.  HA!  There goes that notion.  Apparently my VERY NOT pregnant self is looking rather pregnant today.  The best part was that the other stylists not only did not disagree with her or stay silent... no, they thought it appropriate to agree and join in.  What do you do in a situation like that?  I mean, I am not the type to be rude, but normally I would have corrected her.  Today though, I was just so exhausted and too busy dealing with the kids to even say a word.

At least it is still a gorgeous day!! :)  I am determined to enjoy the Tranquility that I find in that!  My Touch of Tranquility!

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