Saturday, March 3, 2012


Last night much of the country faced some pretty intense storms.  It was definitely an interesting night in our house.  Around 9:30 a tornado warning went into affect for the part of the city that we live in.  My husband and I began to quickly make preparations to move the family into our bathroom.

Ok, let me explain.  Our house is rather small and it is a ranch home.  All of the rooms have windows and touch exterior walls, including the bathrooms.  However, in the master bathroom there is a door for the tub and toilet.  So, we decided the safest room in our house is the 'sink room' in our bathroom. 

So, my husband and I are quickly making preparations.  Well, our bathroom is a mess.  There are cleaners, make up, soda cans, brushes, a hair dryer, etc out on the counters.  All I could think was, if the roof comes off the house, this stuff is going to become dangerous!  Ridiculous right.  I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to beat this storm by cleaning my 'sink room'.  Yes, I decided THIS was the best time to clean.

Here is a picture of our 'sink room' and the dangerous projectile on the counters! :)

Now... imagine 2 adults, a 2.5 year old and a 9 month old in this little room... 

After the completion of the cleaning.  I grabbed a bunch of pillows and blankets, the cell phone, a flashlight and a couple of other things and then we ran to get the kids.  My husband got our 2.5 year old son and I grabbed our 9 month old daughter.  They were both startled, but my son went right back to sleep.  Thank goodness!  We are now sitting on the floor in our tiny little 'sink room', barely enough room for all 4 of us to even fit in there.  My daughter is growing restless and my son is snoring on a pillow on the floor.  

At this point, all I can think is, "God, please keep us and our family and friends safe."  I, of course, was panicking a little as the wind started blowing the rain straight at the house.  My heart is fluttering, the lightning and thunder are getting worse and worse.  The power goes out.  Which helps me - not!  Suddenly, there is a VERY bright flash of lightning, my son looks up at me, jumps up from the pillow and lands on top of me.  I had to hand my daughter to my husband.  But this sweet sleeping baby boy, cuddling up with his momma calmed me immediately.  I realized there was nothing I could do about the weather, but what I could do was to keep my babies safe and calm.  What a sweet time I had with my son through the howling, pounding storm.  

This was 'A Touch Of Tranquility' in my storm...

1 comment:

  1. Good to know you took the storm bravely. Here is a saying that you remind me of:

    Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.
    ~ Zig Ziglar.

