Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Zebras Are Fun

So, both of my children have been sick for the last few days.  My daughter started to feel better about the time that my son decided to feel worse.  They have both been so sad.  It breaks my heart to see my babies hurting.  Today was no different.  My son was actually worse.  He even had little dark circles under his eyes.  My daughter though was smiling more and even laughing a little more.

My son has this little zebra that he can ride.  You can turn it on and it plays songs and talks to the child about safari animals.  Well today, my son was on the zebra and wanted his sister to sit on it in front of him.  Then, he put his arms around her to make sure she did not fall off and drove her around the house.  They were both so excited.  I think it made all of our day.

This is a picture of the my son trying to explain how the zebra works to my daughter.  So sweet! :)

This was my Touch of Tranquility for the day.

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